21,766 DEAD Over 2 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 21,766 fatalities, and 2,074,410 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.

The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.)

So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

The EudraVigilance database reports that through August 14, 2021 there are 21,766 deaths and 2,074,410 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

From the total of injuries recorded, half of them (1,021,867 ) are serious injuries.

Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. It is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.

Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*

Here is the summary data through August 14, 2021.

Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTechPfizer – 10,616 deathand 833,498 injuries to 14/08/2021

  • 22,844   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 135 deaths
  • 22,132   Cardiac disorders incl. 1,591 deaths
  • 208        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 16 deaths
  • 10,953   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 563        Endocrine disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 12,887   Eye disorders incl. 24 deaths
  • 75,021   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 454 deaths
  • 220,575 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 3,013 deaths
  • 893        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 49 deaths
  • 9,094     Immune system disorders incl. 58 deaths
  • 27,018   Infections and infestations incl. 1037 deaths
  • 10,454   Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 158 deaths
  • 20,892   Investigations incl. 342 deaths
  • 6,172     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 188 deaths
  • 112,364 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 133 deaths
  • 605        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 51 deaths
  • 148,477 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,171 deaths
  • 910        Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 29 deaths
  • 152        Product issues incl. 1 death
  • 14,950   Psychiatric disorders incl. 141 deaths
  • 2,763     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 169 deaths
  • 10,909   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 36,913   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,268 deaths
  • 40,358   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 92 deaths
  • 1,416     Social circumstances incl. 13 deaths
  • 651        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 28 deaths
  • 23,324   Vascular disorders incl. 439 deaths

Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna – 5,600 deathand 229,430 injuries to 14/08/2021

  • 4,341     Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 49 deaths
  • 6,744     Cardiac disorders incl. 614 deaths
  • 89           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 1 deaths
  • 2,916     Ear and labyrinth disorders
  • 179        Endocrine disorders incl. 1 death
  • 3,579     Eye disorders incl. 13 deaths
  • 20,063   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 205 deaths
  • 61,894   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 2,232 deaths
  • 372        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 20 deaths
  • 1,926     Immune system disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 6,597     Infections and infestations incl. 340 deaths
  • 4,944     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 105 deaths
  • 4,556     Investigations incl. 107 deaths
  • 2,230     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 129 deaths
  • 28,909   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 111 deaths
  • 275        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 29 deaths
  • 40,922   Nervous system disorders incl. 572 deaths
  • 463        Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 5 deaths
  • 46           Product issues
  • 4,510     Psychiatric disorders incl. 96 deaths
  • 1,364     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 93 deaths
  • 2,012     Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 10,046   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 528 deaths
  • 12,375   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 47 deaths
  • 966        Social circumstances incl. 20 deaths
  • 732        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 56 deaths
  • 6,380     Vascular disorders incl. 215 deaths

Total reactions for the experimental vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca4,740 deathand 947,675 injuries to 14/08/2021

  • 11,297   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 194 deaths
  • 15,757   Cardiac disorders incl. 550 deaths
  • 137        Congenital familial and genetic disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 11,013   Ear and labyrinth disorders
  • 457        Endocrine disorders incl. 4 deaths
  • 16,608   Eye disorders incl. 19 deaths
  • 93,703   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 241 deaths
  • 249,973 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,166 deaths
  • 770        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 44 deaths
  • 3,770     Immune system disorders incl. 19 deaths
  • 23,056   Infections and infestations incl. 298 deaths
  • 10,571   Injury poisoning and procedural complications incl. 130 deaths
  • 20,678   Investigations incl. 108 deaths
  • 11,336   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 65 deaths
  • 144,069 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 66 deaths
  • 477        Neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 15 deaths
  • 198,450 Nervous system disorders incl. 755 deaths
  • 391        Pregnancy puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 9 deaths
  • 146        Product issues incl. 1 death
  • 17,784   Psychiatric disorders incl. 40 deaths
  • 3,449     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 45 deaths
  • 12,080   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 1 death
  • 33,058   Respiratory thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 560 deaths
  • 43,592   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 31 deaths
  • 1,182     Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths
  • 1,040     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 21 deaths
  • 22,831   Vascular disorders incl. 349 deaths

Total reactions for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson: – 810 deaths and 63,807 injuries to 14/08/2021

  • 585        Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 24 deaths
  • 988        Cardiac disorders incl. 103 deaths
  • 24           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders
  • 425        Ear and labyrinth disorders
  • 27           Endocrine disorders incl. 1 death
  • 836        Eye disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 6,041     Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 28 deaths
  • 16,787   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 201 deaths
  • 80           Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 7 deaths
  • 260        Immune system disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 1,086     Infections and infestations incl. 27 deaths
  • 578        Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 11 deaths
  • 3,319     Investigations incl. 56 deaths
  • 341        Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 13 deaths
  • 10,533   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 19 deaths
  • 26           Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 2 deaths
  • 13,528   Nervous system disorders incl. 101 deaths
  • 23           Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 1 death
  • 19           Product issues
  • 794        Psychiatric disorders incl. 9 deaths
  • 230        Renal and urinary disorders incl. 9 deaths
  • 484        Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 2,155     Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 64 deaths
  • 1,893     Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 164        Social circumstances incl. 3 deaths
  • 490        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 31 deaths
  • 2,091     Vascular disorders incl. 86 deaths

*These totals are estimates based on reports submitted to EudraVigilance. Totals may be much higher based on percentage of adverse reactions that are reported. Some of these reports may also be reported to the individual country’s adverse reaction databases, such as the U.S. VAERS database and the UK Yellow Card system. The fatalities are grouped by symptoms, and some fatalities may have resulted from multiple symptoms.

More COVID Shots on the Way

In spite of all these recorded injuries and deaths, most countries around the world are now preparing to roll out a 3rd Pfizer “booster” shot, as well as authorizing the COVID shots for young children, under the age of 12.

While the alleged COVID-19 “virus” has almost NO impact on deaths among young people, tragically, we cannot say the same for the experimental shots.

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COVID-19 Bioweapon Injection Casualties List

CENSORED: COVID Vaccine Injured Who Regret Their Decisions to Get the Shot and Their Message to You

21,766 DEAD Over 2 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

1,135,579 Injuries 1,559 DEAD in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government

CDC Records Show 12,791 DEAD and 682,873 Injuries Following COVID-19 Experimental Shots

We are Destroying the Lives of our Young with Experimental COVID Injections

Board Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients are Dying from the Vaccine than from COVID

CDC’s Own Stats Show 1,270 Premature Fetal Deaths Following COVID Shots but Recommend Pregnant Women Get COVID Injections

Father and Military Veteran Dies After Mandatory COVID Shot as Children Continue to Lose Parents to COVID-19 Shots

Tragic Loss of Life Following COVID-19 Injections

Fully Vaccinated 33-Year-Old New Yorker DEAD After Cursing Unvaccinated as Idiots and Morons

Minnesota Woman Loses both Legs and both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland

Attorney Files Lawsuit Against CDC Based on “Sworn Declaration” from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths are Reported to VAERS – All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots

Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage

Comply with COVID-19 “Vaccination” Demands and You Could End up DEAD Like These People

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help as the Medical Community Turns Their Back on Them

6-Year-Old Son Tells Dad “Please Don’t Get the Shot” – But He Did and Now He’s DEAD

Americans Will Celebrate “Independence Day” as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COIVD Injections?

Father And Daughter Die Four Days Apart Despite Taking Different Brands Of COVID-19 Shots

1,007,253 Injuries 1,403 DEAD in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government

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Former NFL Player Collects Stories of Lives Destroyed by the COVID-19 Shots – Mother Regrets Putting 12-year-old Daughter in Pfizer COVID-19 “Vaccine” Trial

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Parents of Benjamin Goodman Speak out on His Murder by J&J Bioweapon Shot

British Software Developer Now Paralyzed After Taking COVID Jabs and Mocking Anti-Vaxxers – Others DEAD

Censored in the Corporate Media Hundreds of Medical Professionals Speak Out on Medscape Forum Warning about Dangers of COVID Injections

COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Continue to Kill and Cripple People Leaving Behind Devastated Families

Hong Kong: 12 DEAD Four Miscarriages in One Week Following COVID-19 Injections

Man Who Developed CDC Vaccine Tracking System, BBC Radio Personality – Among the DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections

DEATH and Suffering Continue to Follow COVID-19 Bioweapon Injections

COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Continue to Kill and Maim People Across the World

More Ruined Lives Following COVID-19 Bioweapon Injections

Rock and Roll Legend Eric Clapton Regrets COVID Shot, while Others Die Shortly After the Injections

45-Year-Old California Father of Two Dead 10 Days After COVID Injection

57-Year-Old Syracuse Man Mocks “Anti-vaxxers,” DEAD Seven Days After Johnson & Johnson Shot

Healthy Utah High School Athlete Develops Blood Clots in His Brain Following COVID Injection

CDC Reports 2 More Infant DEATHS Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

48-Year-Old Surgeon DEAD after Mocking “Anti-vaxxers” and Writing His Own Obituary after Moderna COVID Injections

16-Year-Old Wisconsin Girl DEAD Following 2 Doses of the Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections

Tragedy Continues to Strike Families with Loved Ones Dying After being Injected with Experimental COVID Shots

Experimental Adenovirus COVID Injections Continuing to Kill Younger, Middle-Aged People

59-Year-Old Israeli Fashion Icon Alber Elbaz DEAD After Being “Fully Vaccinated” for COVID-19

Pro-Vaccine Cybersecurity Expert Dan Kaminsky DEAD at 42 Following Experimental COVID Shot

44-Year-Old Pastor DEAD after Moderna COVID Shot – Wanted Other Pastors and African Americans to Follow her Example and Take the Shot

‘Baldwin Hills’ Star 30-Year-Old Ashley Taylor Gerren DEAD after Getting COVID Injection

Brain Injuries and DEATH Continue to Follow J&J COVID Injections

Family Member of Rapper DMX Claims COVID “Vaccine” Injection Preceded his Fatal Heart Attack – Not Drug Overdose

35-Year-Old Nurse and Mother of 2 DEAD Following Pfizer Experimental COVID Injections in UK

21-Year-Old University of Cincinnati Student DEAD 24 Hours after Johnson & Johnson COVID Injection

Healthy 43-Year-Old Father of 7 Suffers Stroke and is Paralyzed after Johnson and Johnson COVID Shot

20-Year-Old Scottish Man DEAD 12 Hours After being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Jab

Healthy 27-Year-Old Chicago Doctor DEAD 3 Months Following COVID Shots Raising Long-term Safety Concerns

Midwin Charles: 47-Year-Old MSNBC Legal Analyst DEAD After Experimental mRNA COVID Shot

22-Year-Old Israeli Girl DEAD Following Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection

Italy: Two More Teachers DEAD After AstraZeneca COVID Shot

40-Year-Old Wisconsin Music Teacher DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injection

Canada Suspends AstraZeneca COVID Shot – 2,530 Injuries and 24 DEAD Following Mostly Pfizer and Moderna Shots

North Carolina College Professor DEAD After Johnson and Johnson COVID Shot

Entire City in Shock as Another Italian Professor is DEAD Following the AstraZeneca COVID Injection

31-Year-Old Italian Professor DEAD following the Experimental AstraZeneca COVID Injection

Kansas City Council Woman DEAD Hours After Receiving Experimental COVID Injection

2 Men Dead at Senior Care Home following Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections as Australia Begins COVID Shots

People Now Dying Following the Experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID Injections

27-Year-Old Georgian Nurse DEAD One Day after AstraZeneca Experimental COVID Shot

Ireland: Nine Nursing Home Residents Die of COVID-19 Despite Being mRNA “Vaccinated”

Teacher Dies Hours After Getting AstraZeneca COVID Shot in Italy – Manslaughter Investigation Launched

Pediatric Nurse Brags About Getting COVID Vaccine While Pregnant – Baby is Stillborn 8 Days Later

Boxing Champion Marvin Hagler DEAD at Age 66 After Receiving an Experimental COVID “Vaccine”

39-Year-Old Surgical Technician and Mother Dies 4 Days After Second Experimental Moderna COVID mRNA Shot

UK Government Changes Recommendations on Pregnant Women Getting Experimental COVID Injections Causing at Least 20 Miscarriages So Far

First Week of COVID Experimental Vaccines in South Korea: 7 DEAD and More than 2,800 Injured

Whistleblower Reveals Many Pregnancy Complications following Experimental COVID Injections – “Vaccine Leaving a Trail of Devastated Mothers”

12 Residents Die After First COVID Vaccine in Wales Nursing and Dementia Care Centre

Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”

28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist DEAD 2 Days After Being Injected with COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine

22 Elderly with Dementia Dead in 1 Week After the Experimental mRNA COVID Injection in the Netherlands

Two Nuns Dead and 28 COVID Positive 2 Days After Experimental COVID mRNA Injections

Formerly Healthy American Serviceman Now has Heart Disease Following the Moderna COVID Shots

Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Attorney: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder”

Second Pfizer COVID Shot Halted in Spain After 46 Deaths in One Nursing Home Following the First Shot

Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Suddenly Dies One Day After Being Injected with Experimental mRNA COVID Shot

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will

28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection

Another Medical Professional in the Prime of Life DEAD Weeks After Receiving the mRNA Experimental Injection as Memphis Mourns Loss of 36-Year-Old Doctor

Wisconsin Resident Doctor has Miscarriage 3 Days After Being Injected with Experimental COVID mRNA Shot

39-Year-Old Medical Doctor and Son of Former Chief Justice of Trinidad Found Dead After COVID Injection in Ireland

TRAGEDY! 9 Dead in Spanish Nursing Home Shortly After First Pfizer Shots but Second Doses Given Anyway – Religious Beliefs in Vaccines Causing Massive Senior Deaths?

Another Jewish Holocaust? Local Talk Radio Reports “Many Dying” in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental mRNA Injections

45-Year-Old Italian Doctor “In the Prime of Life and in Perfect Health” Drops Dead After the Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot: 39-Year-Old Nurse, 42-Year-Old Surgical Technician Also Dead

58-Year-Old Mother and Grandmother of Six in Virginia Dies Within Hours of Receiving Experimental Pfizer mRNA Injection

Israeli Teenager Hospitalized in ICU for “Inflammation of the Heart” Days after Receiving Second Pfizer Vaccine

24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!!

Did Larry King Receive an Experimental COVID Shot Just Before His Death?

53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started

Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Dead After Receiving the Experimental Moderna mRNA COVID Injection

10 Dead with 51 Severe Side-Effects Among Germany’s Elderly after Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections

55 Americans Have Died Following mRNA COVID Injections as Norway Death Toll Rises To 29

23 Seniors Have Died in Norway After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental COVID mRNA Injection

Louisiana Woman Convulses Uncontrollably after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Shot – “I can’t stand to see my mom this way it makes me want to cry knowing I can’t do anything to help her.”

24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections

“Very Healthy 56-Year-Old” Miami Obstetrician Dies after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine

“Perfectly Healthy” 41-year-old Pediatric Assistant Dies Suddenly After Injected with Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Is the Tennessee Nurse Who Passed Out on Live Camera After the COVID Vaccine Still Alive?

32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine



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The post 21,766 DEAD Over 2 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots first appeared on Medical Kidnap.

Original source: https://medicalkidnap.com/2021/08/18/21766-dead-over-2-million-injured-50-serious-reported-in-european-unions-database-of-adverse-drug-reactions-for-covid-19-shots/

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