How Mainstream Media Deceives The Masses with Ben Swann

Josh Sigurdson talks with Ben Swann of Truth In Media and Reality Check in San Diego, California during Libertopia about the history of mainstream media deception. Ben breaks down some of the many reasons why the mainstream media cannot be trusted, explaining the lies people have been fed about countless major stories especially stemming from the early 2000s, but not counting out the past actions of the CIA with programs like Operation Mockingbird. Mr. Swann also explains that many independent medias are similar to mainstream media in the fact that they look for clicks and money rather than truth. Confirmation bias is certainly a huge part of the problem that we as individuals face in our search for truth and independent thought. With the problems explained, Ben goes into the solutions. The responsibilities an independent reporter or journalist faces and how they could lead people towards truth rather than identity. Ben also talks about how incredibly innovative cryptocurrencies like Dash are as they change the media landscape. All this and more! Stay tuned for more from WAM in California! Video edited by Josh Sigurdson Featuring: Ben Swann Josh Sigurdson Graphics by Bryan Foerster and Josh Sigurdson Visit us at LIKE us on Facebook here:… Follow us on Twitter here: FIND US ON STEEMIT: BUY JOHN SNEISEN’S LATEST BOOK HERE: Paperback… Kindle… DONATE HERE: Help keep independent media alive! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us stay on our feet as we face intense YouTube censorship!… BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU Buy Tickets for G. Edward Griffin’s much anticipated Red Pill Expo 2018 in Spokane, Washington by clicking the link below: World Alternative Media 2018 “Find the truth, be the change!”

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