Fallout from misreporting over Covington Catholic boys

The following excerpt is from a news article published by Cincinnati.com

The lawyers representing Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann and his family said Friday they have sent letters to media outlets, individual journalists, celebrities and Catholic organizations as the first step in possible libel and defamation lawsuits.

The list includes 50-plus names of organizations or individuals: from presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren to actress Alyssa Milano; individual journalists including Maggie Haberman, Ana Cabrera and David Brooks; national media outlets like the The New York Times, CNN, GQ and TMZ; and the dioceses of Covington and Lexington as well as the archdioceses of Louisville and Baltimore…

For the rest of the article and a list of the outlets put on notice, click the link below:


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Original source: https://sharylattkisson.com/2019/02/03/fallout-from-misreporting-over-covington-catholic-boys/

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