Media Bias Chart: Analysis
When I first published this subjective Media Chart, I posted it along with other charts for your consideration.
I explained how I came to assign positions on the chart.
And I explained that the positioning is relative and not intended as an absolute indicator of position.
The idea was for you to add it to your knowledge base; compare it to other charts; or, certainly, disregard it, if you like.
It received a lot of attention and generated a tremendous amount of positive feedback. It also became a spring board for all kinds of theories. One writer called it a “simplified version” of another chart.
But it also spurred some silly articles by left-leaning writers who apparently couldn’t bear that some outlets appeared on the left side of the line. Some of them criticized the chart as “subjective,” (which I stated was the case at the outright– and aren’t they all?).
Also, in typical fashion by some of these critics, the chart was falsely criticized as being “conservative” simply because it fairly acknowledges some media outlets have conservative leanings; while others are known for their liberal leanings.
This is the environment in which we operate today.
Meantime, I think the chart is worth republishing. Please note the caveats and qualifiers.
Additional charts compiled by other sources are widely available. Some are linked here in this paragraph.
Do your own research. Make up your own mind. Think for yourself.
Please leave your feedback on this page in the comment section and I will issue a revised chart reflecting any changes or additions in the near future.
Below is the last version of the article as it appeared in 2018:
Where’s your favorite information source stand on the political scale?
I’ve updated the following subjective chart based on information compiled from various sources and your feedback. Some sources have shifted left or right, others have been added including: ESPN, McClatchy, the Federalist, Conservative Review, Washington Monthly, Twitchy, Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse.
Please note that outlets on left and right sometimes publish material that’s on the opposite side of the political spectrum, or that has no political leaning at all. The placement is based on perceived overall tone and audience. Position on the chart doesn’t necessarily imply credibility or lack thereof. Sources on far right and far left have, in many instances, produced excellent, factually correct information at times.
I have loosely placed more traditional information sources in the top half of the chart working down toward aggregators, fact-checkers, opinion sites and less news-related sources. (This posed some position challenges since most of traditional information sources are left-leaning.) I did not attempt to place individual programs or broadcasts.
Compiling such a chart is obviously difficult for many reasons, some of them having to do with space. The spacing should be considered relative and not an indicator of absolute position. A number of the information sources technically belong on top of one another.
You have contributed terrific ideas, such as sizing boxes based on audience, and dividing into quadrants. This is a work in progress. Thanks for your input!
Think a source should be moved? Want one added? Leave a comment!
For a larger view, click on the image and enlarge.

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