Ep. 79 – Standing Up For Scientific Integrity: An In-Depth Interview With Dr. Chris Shaw (Part 1)

The Vaccine Conversation with Melissa and Dr. Bob
What happens when a scientist uncovers an inconvenient but alarming truth? Today we get to know a university professor and neurobiologist who was among the first to discover that aluminum in vaccines causes serious brain injury. Dr. Shaw shares how injected vaccine aluminum is not easily detoxified and how it makes its way to the brain with serious consequences. Shaw reveals why scientists and government officials continue to deny these risks even with an abundance of scientific proof. bit.ly/vaxconv
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Original Source: https://anchor.fm/thevaccineconversation/episodes/Ep–79—Standing-Up-For-Scientific-Integrity-An-In-Depth-Interview-With-Dr–Chris-Shaw-Part-1-e9qlk2
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