Was Alfie Evans Vaccine Injured?


The following has been translated from a Polish article dated May 1, reprinted in English. This article first appeared here: http://stopnop.com.pl/alfieevans/ 


A child suspected of having a neurological disorder should not be vaccinated if there was no diagnosis. Alfie Evans’s doctors did not make a diagnosis. Nevertheless, the doctors and the court did not give him a chance to live. The boy died after a few days after disconnecting him from breathing apparatus. The court, against the wishes of parents who wanted to seek help for a child in another hospital, gave him a death sentence.
Alfie Evans was born on May 9, 2016. On 11.07.2016, the boy received eight vaccinations in three injections and one by mouth. These were Infanrix IPV Hib, Prevenar, Bexsero, and rotavirus vaccines. According to information from the court’s judgment, the boy was squinted at the time.
On September 9, 2016, Alfie received seven vaccines: Infanrix IPV Hib and Rotarix. Alfie began to smile less, he slept a long time to the point that it started to bother his mother and quite often she had to wake him up. She was also worried about the lack of general interactions and Alfie’s reluctance to reach for toys and reluctance to play. It was considered whether it is not a symptom of more serious problems, even impairment of vision. The environmental nurse was concerned about the lack of Alfie’s head suitable for age.
Despite these problems, on November 18, 2016, the boy received seven vaccines in three instances: Infanrix IPV Hib, Prevenar 13, Bexsero. At the age of six months, there was no doubt that Alfie was showing signs of significant developmental delay.
In November 2016, he was reviewed at the general outpatient clinic at the Alder Hey hospital. The brain / spinal MRI scan was performed on November 30, 2016. The study report showed that it works in the range expected for an infant from 6 weeks to 2 months.
Pediatrician, noted the following: ” MRI brain scan performed on 30/11/2016 showed delayed myelinization due to chronological age and unexplained limit of diffusion along the sensory cortical and cortical cortex. The channels and fibers lead to the central temporal lobes. The appearance is not typical for any particular disorder. The diagnosis that can be excluded is a mitochondrial disorder and non-kenotic hyperglycinemia. 
Source: 1. Judgment of the court that sentenced Alfie to death.
2. Picture of the vaccination book.
alfiegi book
3. The FB’s release has a boy, where she expressed concern about the second series of vaccinations.
kate evans


Jeffry John Aufderheide of VacTruth.com has a great piece with a timeline

Read here: Four Months of Critical Information is Missing from Alfie Evans’ Timeline


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