Biden Can’t Stop Plagiarizing; This Time Rips Off Michael Avenatti Slogan


Joe Biden has a plagiarism problem dating back to law school, most recently busted after his campaign was caught lifting language for his environmental plan word-for-word from environmental nonprofits without attribution

But it appears the former VP learned nothing from the humiliation he was forced to “apologize” for last time as the 76-year-old has now been busted once again for lifting his campaign slogan from none other than Michael Avenatti (yes that former presidential hopeful that is now preparing for time in the big house, not the White House).

In his much-applauded-by-the-left speech today in Iowa, slamming President Trump, “Obama’s brain” unleashed the following:

“He says, ‘let’s make America great again,’” Biden said of Trump in Ottumwa.

“Let’s make America America again.”

Sound familiar? It should as Michael Avenatti repeatedly used that same slogan in public remarks as he pushed back against Trump. As Fox News reports, he used the line during a 2018 BBC interview…

“I’m here to send a loud and clear message that there are millions of Americans that want to make America America again,” Avenatti said last year in London.

Avenatti also tweeted the line in 2018, saying:

“We must fight fire with fire and we must send a message that we will fight to make America America again.”

And Avenatti used it as the closing line in his speech at the Iowa Wing Day dinner in August 2018, saying:

“above all else, we will make America America again.”

Avenatti even acknowledged the plagiarism in a tweet:

Since I won’t be using it, I’m happy @JoeBiden is using ‘Let’s Make America America Again.’ Because it’s a damn good slogan and message.”

The Trump campaign quickly caught on and mocked Biden over his use of the phrase.

“No word yet on whether Biden will start borrowing ‘Basta!’ as well,” Trump campaign deputy communications director Matt Wolking said Tuesday, referring to the hashtag Avenatti often used on Twitter.

We wonder how long before Biden apologizes for lifting this phrase (or thanks the alleged criminal who created it for his support).

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