“How Central Bankers Rigged The World”: An Interview With Nomi Prins


Former Goldman managing director, Nomi Prins, join Chris Blasi on The Great Reset Opportunity Report to discuss her new release Collusion, as well as current geopolitical and macroeconomic issues. 

In this interview Nomi makes the case that central bankers have been rigging markets for the sake of the bankers at the expense of regular citizens, and will continue to do so. Nomi further shares her conclusion that should the ongoing machinations of the central bankers lead us into another global financial crisis they have no plan B.

The details supporting Nomi’s thesis and conclusions can be heard here along with her personal investing strategy

Original source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/orR383iJBks/how-central-bankers-rigged-world-interview-nomi-prins

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