Left Behind In A “Thriving” Economy: We Are Already In A Dark Place


Left Behind In A “Thriving” Economy: We Are Already In A Dark Place

Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,

The world’s future looks bright according to one Forbes reporter.  But before we go through the incredibly bright future, we have to wade through a much darker place.  A place that is far darker than where we are at right now.

In an article, Forbes contributor pointed to the inflation lie we are told daily. 

While the costs of everything is rising through the roof, those in power are telling us there’s no inflation. What’s the point of this lie? Perhaps it’s to be able to print money and participate in QE4 without the average Americans figuring out what’s going on.  Perhaps it is designed to make people feel better about half of their income being stolen from their paycheck.  Perhaps its to attempt to simply brainwash people into thinking everything in the United States economy is fine.

In his recent “Inflationary Angst” letter, John Mauldin shared an inflation chart, broken down into spending categories.  The cost of things average people must buy such as healthcare, education, and housing, all have risen more than wages did over the last two decades.

But aggregate inflation measures, like the Consumer Price Index, don’t show this. Falling prices elsewhere held them down. Those tend to be “luxury” good, which is a big problem. 

That means: inflation is no problem unless you’re poor.

The goods or services that MUST be purchased in the U.S. for Americans, such as an emergency room visit, are where the costs are soaring, while goods bought from outside the U.S. have seen a drop in price.

John Mauldin predicts that an unprecedented crisis that will lead to the biggest wipeout of wealth in history. Most investors are unaware of the pressure building right now.

Forbes goes on to surmise that knowledge is difficult to contain, and what we could be experiencing in the evolutionary leap in thinking that could lead to no ruling class, no control, and no government at all.  After all, government has never worked out unless you’re in it. For everyone else, it’s becoming a problem to spend their lives in servitude to the state.

No one knows for sure what the future will look like, but I’d wager that in this instance, Forbes is correct.  Things will get much worse and much more dire as the establishment attempts to hold onto power and enslave everyone. But knowledge is the key and once enough have it, it’ll mean the end of humanity’s suffering under government.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 12/19/2019 – 18:05 Original source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/9uHIPxZgZ2U/left-behind-thriving-economy-we-are-already-dark-place

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