Bill Gates’s Daughter Shown Wearing Hitler Youth Symbol in Bizarre Dance Video

After seeing this bizarre video circulating on Twitter, it made me curious what the red lightning bolt was all about.

While scrolling through Google Images one of the first ones that jumped out at me was this:

This image was featured in an article about a Polish feminist group protesting a bill that would ban abortions in Poland. Coincidence?


The article cites Polish historian Jan Żaryn on the symbol being associated with Hitler Youth.

The historian argued that those supporting abortion on eugenic grounds while using a Nazi symbol should be told to “come to their senses and not go down the path, which is stained with the worst crimes committed by people devoted to Nazi ideology”.

He referred to the history of Hans Asperger, who is commonly regarded as a “savior” for developing research related to his namesake disease before Hitler’s genocide, but the history of eugenics is troublesome for the left because of what it has been used for throughout history.

Jan Żaryn:

Feminists associated with the strike should be made to realize that the symbol they use is associated with Nazi Germany where eugenic crimes were adapted to genocide.

Asperger was a key link to the genocide directed at people who could were not “compatible” with society, “using the language of the murderers”, the professor explained.

Żaryn emphasized that the feminists associated with the strike should be made to realize that the symbol they use is associated with Nazi Germany where eugenic crimes were, through scientific advances, adapted to genocide.

“This is clear in Asperger’s example, where people with that disease were separated into those able to socialize and live and those who had that disease and were not able to socialize and did not have a right to live,” he said.

“I hope that in the case of this protest and this symbol, that this all occurred without full awareness and knowledge about the symbol’s origins,” he added.

WOW! History sure seems to repeat itself, doesn’t it?


Trumpeteres of the Deutsches Jungvolk (German Youngsters in the Hitler Youth), 1938. Trumpeters of the Deutsches Jungvolk are blowing their trumpets at the Nuremberg Rally of the NSDAP on the rally grounds. Date created: 09/09/1938


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