Dr. Eric Ball of Orange County Wants Flu Shots to Be Made Available in Schools

In a recent interview on Senator Richard Pan’s new podcast, Dr. Eric Ball discusses ramping up flu shot clinics in California.

“We have to increase the capacity and the availability of flu vaccine everywhere, I mean, I’m a big proponent of being able, you know having, uhh, be able to give flu vaccines at schools and places that are not the traditional places like pharmacies or doctor’s offices.”

“Um, I also, um, we have a meeting actually coming up next week to talk about this for the future – and we’re talking about ways that big groups of practices and community leaders could all get together to try to coordinate more community driven flu vaccine clinics. We want to get this out of just the you go to the pharmacy or you go to your doctor’s office and get a flu vaccine. We want it basically to be available wherever you need it.”

“Because a lot of our patients, especially the older ones who don’t come to the office very much aren’t sick. They don’t even think about a flu vaccine.”

Link to full interview:

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