Join the Open Source Investigation NOW! Into the Media Blackout on Bill & Melinda Gates’s House Employee Arrested at the Gates Mansion For Possessing Over 6000 Images of Child Porn and Was Convicted



The media has failed to properly investigate this case which has forced a full open source investigation to commence.

See the following media blackout timeline and share using hashtag #PedoMansion.

Given what we’ve learned in 2019 about Bill Gates’s friend and convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, the public is fully aware how high the stakes are for covering a case with implications such as these. No career journalist or media outlet has dared to follow through with a full investigation into this case as it should have been done in 2014-2015 when the story first broke. Only a handful of small outlets reported on it when the arrest was made and maybe two or three did several months later when Jones was sentenced.

It seems as though nobody has looked deep into this case since the news of Jeffrey Epstein and those flight logs came to light showing that Gates had flown on Epstein’s plane (after he was convicted). And when his employee, Rick Jones, was reportedly caught sending an image through Gmail that showed two pre-teen boys being sexually exploited and the police caught wind of it, was the same year Gates was flying on Epstein’s plane. So in the same year that Gates was flying around with a convicted sex offender, one of his employees working in his home is arrested for collecting child rape images, later to be convicted and required to register as a sex offender. Coincidence?

“Among the images were photos showing the anal rape of an 8- to 10-year-old boy and a rape of an 8- to 10-year-old girl.”

A community effort to investigate this case is now in order.

What we’ve learned and what’s been reported on about this case so far is not enough to answer the mountain of questions that have surfaced since the news broke about Bill Gates’s multiple connections to Jeffrey Epstein and their little scandal at MIT.

The more you dig into this story, the more it appears to have many of the same convenient media coverage (media blackout), just like the kind of media attention that protected Jeffrey Epstein for all these years.

For some reason, the largest media outlets keep failing to report or investigate cases involving the elite class, certain billionaires, the politically connected, Hollywood celebrities, and their connections to pedophilia. Or, when they do, it seems deliberately incomplete or full of distractions that amount to nothing more than what seems to be a big coverup. Nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore.

That is why it is critical for a thorough open source community-based investigation to be done by the public itself.

Independent journalists and anonymous sources have stepped up to break this investigation wide open and bring out all the facts to the public.

So far the most elaborate and thorough work published about this investigation has been done by Dr. Roy Schestowitz. Schestowitz has been covering the corruption that surrounds the Gates family, Gates Foundation, and Microsoft, for over a decade. Nobody else we’ve researched so far has been able to connect as many dots and pull together fact-based information like he has. To date, Schestowitz has already published a multi-part series (6 parts so far and growing) on this investigation alone over on, since December.

This series should be gaining a lot of attention by now and more people should be starting to collaborate on bringing the facts of this investigation to light. It is time for this case to become a full blown community driven effort to get the answers the public deserves.

“Mansion of Pedophilia” by Dr. Roy Schestowitz:

To get caught up to speed on this case and what is known so far about it, one would be wise to read the entire multi-part series above and stay tuned for more.

Dr. Schestowitz seems to be reporting on the facts as soon as they’re being dug up. Part 7 published just today.

There’s a lot more to come. Stay tuned…

In the coming days NAMELY LIBERTY will be publishing the public records request made to Seattle Police Department on September 13, 2019, and then releasing a brief summary of relevant facts that have been uncovered since the few sources that reported on this case back in 2015.

Future updates will include evidence that has been established so far, to date, including the email correspondence from the Seattle Police Department regarding their explanations for delaying to deliver “over 2000 pages” of documents related to this case.

Today’s post is simply to alert the public at large that there is an open source investigation underway and to know we’ll need all the help we can get to keep this information in the public spotlight as more details and documents are released.


  1. Read the multi-part series above. Get acquainted with the facts. There’s a lot to digest.
  2. Follow @Schestowitz and @namelyliberty and @2ndfor1st on Twitter.
  3. Subscribe to our email newsletter below. NAMELY LIBERTY will be sending out important updates on this case as more details become public. Subscribers will be the first to know when new information or documents are published.
  4. Start using hashtag #PedoMansion on anything related to this case and begin doing your own research and making your own contributions to the investigation.
  5. If you’re an insider or have new information about this case, contact NAMELY LIBERTY here: OR reach out to Dr. Schestowitz at
  6. Share away and keep this case in the public spotlight until it becomes common knowledge and all reasonable questions have been answered.

CONTINUE > UPDATE #1 > 1/16/2020 – A Public Records Request For Documents Related to Bill Gates’s House Employee Arrested at the Gates Mansion And Convicted for Possessing Over 6000 Images of Child Porn Has Been Made


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April 19, 2020 8:32 am

WHO DOES FAUCI REALLY WORK FOR? Fauci and Birx are doing and saying exactly what their boss wants. Their boss is Bill Gates. Frauds Fauci and Birx BOTH Have Big-Money Bill Gates Conflicts of Interest “The truth is that President Donald Trump is locked in an intense power struggle with Bill Gates, who is pushing his vaccines, which may not be available to the public until after November’s election. AND WHY IS BILL GATES EVEN A FACTOR IN THIS EQUATION?! Gates has a lot of pull in the medical world, he has a multi-million dollar relationship with Dr. Fauci, and… Read more »