Placer County Sees 33% Decrease in COVID Cases After Reopening

Placer County Board Supervisor Kirk Uhler fired back at reporter Hannah Wiley today in response to her hit piece published in the Sacramento Bee on Thursday that, according to Uhler, accuses him of conspiring with an “anti-vaccine group” to pass a resolution that ended its local “public health emergency” status on September 8.

Her theory, according to Uhler, was that he and the leaders of the organization Freedom Angels conspired to have callers jam up the phone lines during the meeting, preventing important people in opposition of the resolution from calling in to convince them not to pass it.

The resolution was passed unanimously.

Before we go any further into the significance of what this board of supervisors did, take a look how their county has been doing since they reopened it.

According to Supervisor Uhler the county has seen a 22% drop in its average cases per day. No increase in cases, deaths, or hospitalizations like those who Uhler says, despite what Sac Bee reported, had successfully called in on that day and passionately opposed the resolution and warned would happen if they didn’t listen.

Hannah Wiley’s article is protected behind a pay wall at Sac Bee and so I haven’t read it yet, but according to Uhler, the story paints a picture of some sinister collusion between him and this group of dangerous anti-vaxxers who want to destroy everything great about public health.

If you’re a subscriber, you can get to the author’s tweet and article here:

Uhler says he doesn’t know why Wiley made such an attempt to highlight the whole “anti-vaccine” aspect of the group and argued, “I don’t care if you’re anti-vaccine, anti-circumcision, or anti-human combustion. If you’re pro-opening businesses, opening schools, and opening churches, welcome to the party!  I’m happy to work with those folks.”

He suggested perhaps Wiley used the anti-vaccine label to try and compromise the integrity of what the board did.

Uhler said, “We were told that if we ended the public health emergency we might as well kiss the county goodbye.” He went on, “I’m not saying that it all of a sudden got all better because we did this. What I’m saying is that our board looked at data, data that we’ve been analyzing for months and we saw the trends and we knew that we could safely reopen businesses. We knew that we could safely encourage people to get back together in churches. We knew that we could safely get our kids back into school. And so, we, the elected county officials, being very familiar with the circumstances on the ground locally, we ended the public health emergency that we had declared back in March. We analyzed the data. We made the decision. And it’s working out. That’s the story, Hannah Wiley.”

What this board of supervisors and Kirk Uhler did for their county is awesome and I’ll tell you why you should encourage your local board to do the same.


Most of my readers already know this but California passed a bill that was signed into law late 2019 just before this case-demic started that gives your county health officer broad sweeping dictatorial authority over their jurisdiction during an outbreak. Specifically, AB 262 states: “The bill would authorize the local health officer to issue orders to other governmental entities within the local health officer’s jurisdiction to take any action the local health officer deems necessary to control the spread of the communicable disease.”


Health officers can now, under AB 262, tell your local police departments to start arresting people who try to leave their homes if they deemed that necessary. As a matter of fact, it was Placer County’s health officer who was the first one to exercise this kind of authority in California. In direct result of the health officer’s order, local police descended on a neighborhood in Rocklin while the local sheriff’s helicopter circled overhead, ordering people to get inside. Watch:

Later we learned it was over the first person in California who died from COVID and lived in the neighborhood they quarantined. According to reports, he came into contact with the virus while away at sea on a cruise ship and hadn’t even returned to his home yet. Still, his entire neighborhood was forced into quarantine.


When the Bay Area was locked down due to Shelter in Place (stay at home) orders given in March, health officers from 7 counties all gave their orders at the same time in alliance with each other, affecting about 7 million people instantly. The initial order was given for 3 weeks. Nobody was to leave their homes unless for food or medicine and months later these officers still to this day hold a public health emergency status over their jurisdictions, dictating what everyone can and can’t do.


After two months of this overreach it started to become clear that the impact of the virus was nowhere near what they told us and businesses began to realize there was no chance of survival for them if things remained the way they were going. That’s when Elon Musk used his platform and took a stand to reopen Tesla Motors in Fremont against the sole discretion of the Alameda County’s interim health officer, Dr. Erica Pan. Musk lashed out at Dr. Pan on Twitter threatening to move Tesla out of California, calling her ignorant and correctly pointed out that she’s unelected.


The same health officer, Dr. Erica Pan, went on a podcast the same month and was asked about contact tracing efforts and their plan to create housing to isolate people in.

In the interview Dr. Erica Pan says:

“…the ongoing interesting balance for public health is individual sort of liberties vs protection of the public health and so this pandemic is certainly testing that at all levels, how much individuals are willing to give up their own liberties, or not, for the good of the public health, and our authority to do so and our enforcement of others, which is one of the challenges as far as case and contact investigation and isolation and quarantine.”
“So, uhh, you know, as you just said, an effective isolation would be if someone who’s really kind of on their own, umm, and not living with other people that they’re having contact with….”

“But I think as far as what we need, again, to more effectively contain this pandemic is to make sure that, umm, you know, as you just asked that if there’s someone in a crowded household where they can’t have their own bedroom and bathroom, that we really should be trying to house and isolate them safely.”

“…jurisdictions across the state and the country are really working on getting places to put people that can’t isolate safely.”

“We also issue, umm, you know, early on, as far trying to contain, we issued legal isolation orders that have a lot of details on all of the things they need to be doing, umm, to make sure they’re staying away from others, and again, has, uh, health officer authority that could be enforced by law enforcement…”

“And then because the numbers start to become big, we then issue what we call blanket isolation and quarantine orders just to make sure people realize they were under that authority that they needed to stay isolated. Umm, and so that’s another layer as well, but, certainly housing and making sure people can be safe.”

“Another big effort of us and others is, uhhh, obviously people can’t shelter at home if they don’t have a home so really trying to find places for our homeless population which has been a very unfortunate crisis before this pandemic and trying to, you know, move people especially those who are most vulnerable as far as the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions have been the higher priority, here, trying to get them into hotels and places where they can have individual rooms. Umm, being able to, again, safely isolate or quarantine those people as well.”

I’m not arguing in any way that some measures like quarantining shouldn’t exist to stop the spread of an outbreak but It can never trump our liberties indefinitely like the current case-demic is being used to control every aspect of our lives. When the government exerts this extreme use of force it must come with reliable and accurate data that justifies it and those responsible must be held accountable if the policies do more damage than the virus they claim to be protecting the people from. An that should include criminal liability.


Currently one of the few checks and balances available to the people to counter a tyrannical health officer, or an aligned community of them like we have today, besides for confronting them directly, is through your county’s board of supervisors. Although, according to Uhler, during local public health emergencies, they have no say over the orders given by the health officer, they do still hold some influence in which they could change the officer’s job title and appoint a new one as needed.

So if you’re looking for the right elected officials or the most accessible to apply pressure on for lockdown accountability, start with your local board of supervisors. Every county has a board of 5 elected supervisors. They’re probably the most accessible elected officials and the ones who have influence over these health officers. However,  most of them probably hope you won’t ever learn that.

Many thanks to Supervisor Kirk Uhler for providing these insights, stepping up and doing what his constituents elected him to do, and always keeping Californians informed.

Find your local health officer here:

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